Quality of Life
Recreation & Entertainment
- Lake White State Park http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/lakewhite
- Big Beaver Creek Golf Club (https://bigbeavercreekgolfclub.simdif.com/), recently named one of the top 100 “Must Play Courses of Ohio” by Golf Styles Ohio Magazine.
- Dogwood Pass (http://dogwood-pass.com/) an Old West Town, provides a look back at the lifestyles of the 1800s.
- Pike Lake Forest and State Park (www.pikelakestatepark.com) , covering 11,961 acres provides 33 miles of bridle trails and 15 miles of all-purpose vehicle trails also offers, camping, cottages, fishing and hunting, swimming, boating, picnicking, and hiking.
- Pike Heritage Museum (http://www.pikechamber.org/) Learn about Pike County’s past and see relics from different eras at this museum housed in the former German Evangelical & Reformed Church, built in 1859
- Scioto Trail State Forest (http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/sciototrail) Covering nearly 9,400 acres and offers some of the most breathtaking scenery imaginable during the fall and winter.

- Brush Creek State Forest (http://forestry.ohiodnr.gov/brushcreek), covers 12,749 acres with 12 miles of bridle trails and 3 miles of hiking trails.
- Tecumseh! (www.tecumsehdrama.com) Tecumseh Outdoor Drama & Concert Venue, live action theater telling the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader Tecumseh, as he struggles to unite the various tribes in an effort to drive the encroaching whites from their sacred homelands in the Ohio country during the late 1700’s.